Sunday, October 22, 2017


  Scientists are working hard to find ways to download a human’s consciousness to a computer. It will take about 40 years before it has been perfected, but that will be here before you know it. Where do we draw the line for where we are considered conscious? Would a computer stored with your emotions put into a virtual life be considered conscious? Would we still be considered human, or we oils we just be a program on a computer?

   Another thing to consider is that would it be morally incorrect to live as a machine? I personally think humans will be able to accomplish downloading councioussness to a computer. However, anyone living their life in a computer would lose their meaning to exist. What is the point of living when you are not doing anything that affects the real world? It would be a life not worth living in my opinion.

Human Nature

   Human Nature is composed of building things up, and breaking them down. We create buildings, then we bulldoze them down. We build relationships amongst ourselves, then we tear them apart. We construct rules just to break them. Humans can accomplish anything they want to if they work together. Anything can be built when we work agree, however anything can be destroyed when we only think about ourselves. If humans could all work together for the greater good, nothing would have to be destroyed. Instead of poitinf out our differences, we could celebrate them.

   We divide ourselves into countries, and we further divide ourselves into catagories within it. Instead of dividing ourselves we should focus on unification. Yet over and over humans simply cannot understand how to work together. Most of the suffering that exists in our world is due to our own jealousy and arguing. If we could focus on building eachother up, rather than tearing ourselves down, we would live in a better place.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Response to reading

   Katniss was put into a horrible situation whenever her sister, Prim, was picked to be a tribute for the Hunger Games. Prim is a delicate little girl who couldn't stand a chance against the other tributes. She would have died for sure without any hope. Luckily, Katniss volunteered for Prim, even though Katnis knew that she was most likely going to die. Katniss couldn't even give a real goodbye to her family because she wanted to look strong to the other tributes.

   Katniss was immediately taken over to the capitol in a luxurious train. She was introduced to foods, warm showers, and a bed unlike anything she had seen before. However, it did little to help her calm herself down. She at least was allowed to fatten herself up a bit since she spent most of her life starving to death. She was eager to survive the Hunger Games but was very unsure of her possibility of success.

Free Post

  My trip to Disney is one I'll never forget. It started off pretty innocent with a bus ride to our hotel called the Wilderness Lodge. My family and I eventually arrived and immediately unpacked because we were anxious to get on our first roller coaster. We hopped back on the bus to our first park called Animal Kingdom. We were trying to ride the two avatar rides. One was a boat ride and one was a virtual reality roller coaster where you could fly. We were almost skipped on both of these.

   On the boat ride, there was a couple who almost skipped my mom, but my mom yelled that they were absolutely not skipping her. It made it very awkward for them and everyone around them. However, I thought it was pretty funny. On the virtual reality roller coaster, a group of people who pretended they didn't know English skipped hundreds of people before us. When someone would call them out on skipping, they would act confused. But when they tried to pass us, we wouldn't budge. It sucks that so many people were mean, but at least I didn't get skipped!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hunger Games Reading Response

   Katniss is a young girl of the age 16 who already has more responsibility than most adults. Her mother wasn't ever able to function correctly after her husband died in a coal mine explosion. So Katniss took it upon herself to take care of herself, mother, and younger sister, Prim. Prim is kindhearted a child who is against violence and hates killing animals. So Katniss had to hunt for most of the food they eat without any family support.

   However, she does get help from a friend named Gale. Gale is a handsome hunter who accompanies Katniss when she hunts.  They both  form a great team and have to provide for their own families. However the hunting of animals was replaced with the hunting of humans when Katniss volunteered to become a tribute in the Hunger Games in order to protect delicate Prim. Not much of Katniss' character has come to show yet, other than she is dull and responsible for her age.

Short Story

   Too much was going on right now. Why did it always seem like the world was against him? One thing after the next, constantly plaguing him with anger. After all, he just wants it all to come to cease. Sitting on his porch, staring at a television, he has so much on his mind. How could one thing seem important to his scrambled mind when there was simply so much. It was time for him to leave it all behind. Drama, School, and even sports for a while. Looking back on it, he realizes at least his friends and family hadn’t abandoned him throughout all of this. 

Strenghts and Weaknesses

   As a moderately experienced writer, I have come to find my strengths and weaknesses in writing. I have always been decent at getting my p...