Monday, October 2, 2017

Hunger Games Reading Response

   Katniss is a young girl of the age 16 who already has more responsibility than most adults. Her mother wasn't ever able to function correctly after her husband died in a coal mine explosion. So Katniss took it upon herself to take care of herself, mother, and younger sister, Prim. Prim is kindhearted a child who is against violence and hates killing animals. So Katniss had to hunt for most of the food they eat without any family support.

   However, she does get help from a friend named Gale. Gale is a handsome hunter who accompanies Katniss when she hunts.  They both  form a great team and have to provide for their own families. However the hunting of animals was replaced with the hunting of humans when Katniss volunteered to become a tribute in the Hunger Games in order to protect delicate Prim. Not much of Katniss' character has come to show yet, other than she is dull and responsible for her age.

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading the first couple chapters of this book, and I've seen most of the films, so I can easily agree that Katniss is not a very intriguing protagonist early on. I might pick up this series again, but until then I would like to hear more about this novel from you. Great post, and keep up the good work!


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