Sunday, September 17, 2017


"So what's gunna happen here is we are gunna have a small chat and ask you some questions about yourself to determine how you'll contribute to this team. There ain't no need worry, this ain't nothing to get worried about," the head coach said in a deep, southern accent.
"Just make sure to answer the questions as truthfully as you can," the side coach added.
"Sure, sounds good," Justin said as confidently he could.
"Alright let's get started," said the head coach. "What caused ya to wanna join this program and this team? And what other sports you played before foootball?"
"Well, I guess I just felt like it was time to play a sport that would match up with my physique. I have always wanted to play such a physical sport. I used to run cross country before I joined football", Justin said slightly rushed
"Well we are all real glad you decided to join this program, see ya at practice," said the head coach happily.

Personal Narrative

   Last week was a difficult one for English 1 experience. It was not that I was assigned anything I wasn't capable of doing, it's just that I was overwhelmed. What I mean is that I just had a lot of other things on my mind. I was getting home late from football every night and I was unable to start my homework until around eight. Let me just say when I start my homework so late with other things on my mind than homework, it's hard for me to put forth my best work.

   Thursday was especially hard because I arrived home very late nervous and I was anxious about the football game tomorrow. I was studying plays and getting my gear together in preparation for the game for roughly 30 minutes. I almost completely forgot about homework, and around nine I recalled I had a paper due and 15 pages of notes due the next day. I was so worried about my football game I was having extreme difficulty focusing on my paper and notes. I have faith next week will be lest stressful.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lost and Found

   In the comic strip "Lost and Found", Lynda Barry describes her peculiar process of becoming an author. She describes her past in a funny and wacky way that many people can relate to. You can really see her voice appear when she talks about reading newspapers. She goes into great depth of her thought process as a young reader. Lynda also makes funny pictures to indicate that she is acting out a passage from the newspaper mentally.

   It is interesting to see how different her journey was to become a writer than most people. She never made it into any advanced writing classes. I feel like she found the best way for her to write and get her thought process on the page with simple detail.

Dear Ten Year Old

   Dear ten year old, enjoy your confidence while you still have it. Throughout my elementary years I really had no care of what people thought of me. There was a very small amount of self-consciousnesses involved during those years. However, as I aged I began to feel nervous about what I looked like and sounded like to other people. I no longer had the same confidence I had in my elementary years.

  Though not all people grow to be self-conscious teens, it is extremely common for this to happen. Individuals become more aware and care more of what people think of themselves. It sometimes feels like constant pressure is being put on you. Everyday Situations can make teens nervous, and these situations often become over-complicated in a teen's mind. Just remember to stay confident and know that other peoples' opinions about you are not always important.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Todd and Manchee all alone

   Ben and Cilian act very odd and insist on sending Todd and Manchee as far away possible. Todd is really confused and doesn't even want to be stuck with his dumb dog. A lot of crazy things happen in a small amount of time. What is really odd is as soon as the author gives some detail on what is happening in the book, everything spirals out of control.

   One thing can be inferred however, something big and dangerous is headed Todd's way. So, Todd and Manchee head back into the swamp for a second time. They will begin searching for the whole in the noise. There has been much buildup to this point, so I know something big is coming. I'm not sure that Todd will even find the place without noise. However, I can feel something important is about to happen.

9/11 response

   Two suit cases didn't make it to the hijacked planes on 9/11. These suitcases contained written Arabic with a hijacking manual. It contains religious claims to justify their actions. In other words, it says it is acceptable to crash a plane with innocent souls inside into the World Trade Center. The manual says to be calm and not to show signs of distress or nervousness. It states that they should be overjoyed because what they are doing is something favorable in God's eyes.

   This proves that these hijackers are normal people, well, normal people that were sculpted into something horrible. The way the Arabic writing is worded leads to the fact that it was written to reinforce the hijackers' beliefs just in case they became soft. It means that deep down they know something is wrong with what they are doing. They have been lead down a cruel path that is separate from reality. Separate from reality, these hijackers have no fear or empathy.

Source: The Last Hour of Flight 11

Strenghts and Weaknesses

   As a moderately experienced writer, I have come to find my strengths and weaknesses in writing. I have always been decent at getting my p...