Sunday, September 17, 2017

Personal Narrative

   Last week was a difficult one for English 1 experience. It was not that I was assigned anything I wasn't capable of doing, it's just that I was overwhelmed. What I mean is that I just had a lot of other things on my mind. I was getting home late from football every night and I was unable to start my homework until around eight. Let me just say when I start my homework so late with other things on my mind than homework, it's hard for me to put forth my best work.

   Thursday was especially hard because I arrived home very late nervous and I was anxious about the football game tomorrow. I was studying plays and getting my gear together in preparation for the game for roughly 30 minutes. I almost completely forgot about homework, and around nine I recalled I had a paper due and 15 pages of notes due the next day. I was so worried about my football game I was having extreme difficulty focusing on my paper and notes. I have faith next week will be lest stressful.


1 comment:

  1. It seems like we both had bad experiences with the personal narrative writing process. With your details I could I understand how stressed you were, I hope everything went well with your homework!


Strenghts and Weaknesses

   As a moderately experienced writer, I have come to find my strengths and weaknesses in writing. I have always been decent at getting my p...