Sunday, September 17, 2017


"So what's gunna happen here is we are gunna have a small chat and ask you some questions about yourself to determine how you'll contribute to this team. There ain't no need worry, this ain't nothing to get worried about," the head coach said in a deep, southern accent.
"Just make sure to answer the questions as truthfully as you can," the side coach added.
"Sure, sounds good," Justin said as confidently he could.
"Alright let's get started," said the head coach. "What caused ya to wanna join this program and this team? And what other sports you played before foootball?"
"Well, I guess I just felt like it was time to play a sport that would match up with my physique. I have always wanted to play such a physical sport. I used to run cross country before I joined football", Justin said slightly rushed
"Well we are all real glad you decided to join this program, see ya at practice," said the head coach happily.

1 comment:

  1. This dialogue makes me think you must love sports. I could definitely hear your voice in this post. Good Job!


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