Monday, April 16, 2018

Digital Effects from social media

     As a frequent user of social media, I have my own opinions on how it affects the human brain. Apps such as Instagram are addicting and seem like a great way to share your experiences with friends and family. As you start off you might have a smaller amount of followers, but you will still get some likes or comments. The first time you get some likes or a comment, your brain gets shot with a chemical called dopamine that makes you feel like you are having a social interaction with a person  even though you are not.

     This is where a problem arises. Once you feel the thrill of getting some likes or comments on a post, it somewhat replaces the need for you interact with people outside of the internet. We are a social species that needs face to face interaction to maintain good health. However, these apps take advantage of every person’s want to feel accepted and be given attention and make people feel as though they are having these needs met. There are so many teens who have thousands of Instagram followers but have trouble interacting in real life with actual people.

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