Monday, April 16, 2018

Purple Hibiscus Readingg Response

     Purple Hibiscus up to the page 216 has a pattern of two issues, uncomfortable social situations and physical abuse. Almost all of these instances can be tracked down to an interaction with Papa. Papa is severely religious and forces his own beliefs upon his family or punishes them for their disobedience. Whenever Papa is around his family, he seems to be searching for something to call them out on. He has such strict rules that his family must follow that no normal human would consider logical. Papa’s pregnant wife was feeling sick before church, but Papa practically forced her to go inside.

     As I described in the previous paragraph, Papa is willing to make his family beyond uncomfortable in the name of religion. However, Papa is also ready to take matters into his own hands when he deems it necessary. In multiple scenes, Papa is beating either his wife or his to kids because of their “sins”. Kambile returned home from her aunt’s house with a painting of her grandfather, who was not christian, and was found admiring it. Papa saw this admiration as an act of Satan himself and beats his daughter to near death. These examples I explained show how Papa is the cause of most issues in this novel.

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