Monday, January 15, 2018

New semester reflection

    Last semester for me was a tough one. It could have been a lot smoother if I simply worked efficiently. My main issue was time management and procrastination. People often procrastinate when they are faced with an obstacle that seems impossible to conquer. However, if they would just begin working on it, it would not be nearly as bad. If I would have just done my homework during study hall, I wouldn’t have to stay up all night.

Another extremely important thing to remember is to communicate. Most problems encountered in school can be fixed by communicating with your teachers and coaches to make sure you know what is happening in your life and how you should go about doing it. It is imperative to always stay on top of your work. Falling behind can make you constantly feel guilty and uneasy. If I can work timely, communicate, and stay focused, I can push right through next semester with all A’s. It would truly feel great to know that I feel in control of my future and have good grades.


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