Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Research update

     I feel as though my research started off great. My topic is very interesting and has plenty of useful information on it. It is amazing to see how thought out the Pearl Harbor attack was. The strategies behind this surprise attack truly show how desperate Japan was to conquer more of Southeast Asia.I had my English and History teacher showing me how to complete my annotations. I may have finished later than I wanted to do, but at least I submitted it on time.

     The problems just started to arise today after I was assigned to begin working on my note cards for the first time without any teacher present. The directions confuse me to the point where I will just stare at my laptop screen for 15 minutes straight, unsure what to do. However, I will eventually figure it out, I will just have to spend some more time on it. I am eager to meet my History teacher to figure out what I am doing wrong.


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