Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Is Water Wet? (free post)

     I do not understand why people get so heated about this debate when their exists such a simple answer to this question. I hope this blog will be able to end all arguments surrounding this debate, because to be honest, this is not very important. Water is not wet. A good percentage of the people who read this will disagree with me, but before you exit this blog or choose to comment something that will make you feel stupid later, read the second paragraph.

     Wetness describes a human or object's interaction with water, it does not describe water itself. The ocean is not wet, but the boats floating on it are. Furthermore, objects completely submerged in water aren't wet until they are taken out of the water. Ever notice when you submerge your hand in water that it doesn't feel wet? It might feel cold, but that describes the temperature of the water, not the wetness. Your hand doesn't become wet until you take it out of the water. If you understand basic scientific knowledge, you know this to be true.


  1. I totally agree Evan. Wetness is a property of something that has water on it, so water in and of itself cannot be wet. Something can be burnt by fire, but that doesn't mean fire itself burnt. Great post!

  2. I agree! Something Isn't wet until you take it out of the water therefore water isn't wet!

  3. Great explanation and Humor! I enjoyed reading this and I absolutely agree.

  4. I honestly have been saying this for the last few days to a few of my friends. I'm actually amazed that you are so interested in this debate to write about it!

  5. This is a great way to end this discussion. Good way to point out the true facts of the solution.

  6. Water is not wet. It is basic scientific knowledge like you pointed out. The only form of water that can be wet is ice.

  7. Wow i love your topic, how relevant. I have been in this debate before and I've never seen it in your view. This topic was refreshing. haha


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