Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Political post

Fox News

     President Trump recently suggested that between 2000-4000 National Guard troops be stationed at the US-Mexico border in order to stop the "lawlessness that continues" in this place. This request was placed under federal law Title 32, which allows state governors control over troops of their state. The article describes multiple states responses to this request from President Trump. Arizona's republican governor, Doug Ducey, decided to send 338 Guards in the name of public safety and stated that these Guards will provide air support, assist with building the border, and keep close watch of it. Democratic governor of California, Jerry Brown, has not replied to this request.

     Susana Martinez, republican governor of New Mexico, responded and sent 80 troops but says 250 will eventually serve at the border. Lastly, Texas' republican governor, Greg Abbott, agreed to send 1000 troops to the border over time to end illegal immigration. Whatever viewpoint one has on this matter, they cannot deny that it is happening. Highly skilled troops are being sent to the US-Mexico border and security will be tighter than ever. I stumbled upon this topic when I realized how many of my friends' parents were Immigrants, and I found an article from Fox News and knew it would have factual information for me to use. Immigration is an extremely controversial subject that I want to better understand, so that one day in the future I might be able implement humane laws that insure the public safety of the United States.


  1. I like the topic you chose. I like all the facts you got from the article and put onto paper. Great work!

  2. There is in fact immigration happening, and there are many ways to react to this topic. I like how you described all of the statistic in your blog. Nice!

  3. I also have a few friends whose parents are both immigrants! I know this topic can be very touchy for many different reasons. It can also be touchy using the news source that you did. I'm proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone!

  4. I like that you brought factual statistics from the article into your work because numbers don't die. I think that you did very well voicing your opinion. Great Job.


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