Monday, January 29, 2018

Research Post

   My research project is about Pearl Harbor. I am trying to answer the question of what were Japan's motives behind Pearl Harbor and short-term effects of it. Japan wanted to conquer Southeast Asia and parts of the Pacific to essentially make the Pacific Ocean Japan's lake. However, the U.S. was not a fan of this conquest, so Japan needed a way to delay America from preventing this conquering. What makes this topic so interesting to me is how well planned the attack was and how well it worked at first.

   Japan was extremely careful in making sure that fleet that the fleet traveling to Pearl Harbor had complete radio silence. The fleet sailed behind a large weather front to remain undetected from radar. Furthermore, Japan knew that Pearl Harbor had loose security on Sunday mornings and they used it to their advantage. The attack was so successful because off the great planning behind the attack.


  1. I really liked your research topic! Pearl Harbor is one of the most significant events in the U.S. History.

  2. I agree that Pearl Harbor was an intriguingly-well-planned attack on the U.S. It was probably also the day that determined the outcome of WWII.

  3. I really like your research project. I am glad you have picked such an important date in history.


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