Sunday, November 5, 2017

Vocabulary Free Post: Pancakes or Waffles

   I have been burdened to answer the most difficult question that exists worldwide. What is better, pancakes or waffles? In order to answer such a difficult question, we must truly understand the key differences between these two similar delicacies. A waffle is batter that has been baked and later toasted into a crisp cake with square indentations to provide space for syrup to fill. Syrup is a  sap that is secreted from trees and later sweetend for a tasty flavor, and it is used on both waffles and pancakes.

   Pancakes are a more simple version of waffles but still taste great. Pancakes are created by pouring batter onto a hot surface and forming circular cakes. However, pancakes do not have any indentations for syrup to fill. I know you are thinking that waffles clearly have an advantage over pancakes with a superior method of retaining syrup, but there is a catch. In order for waffles to have these square patterns, they must be cooked in a waffle maker instead of by hand. Pancakes are delicately made by people with supreme cooking skills that always trump machines. So it all comes down to preference, would you rather have a machine made waffle that can hold syrup effectively, or would you rather have a homemade pancake where syrup slides off.


  1. Evan, good post! To be honest, I like waffles better than pancakes. I think waffles have a bigger advantage because of the pockets they have for syrup.

  2. First of all, I think this is a creative idea for a free post, so props to you! Second of all, have you ever just tried a waffle on top of a pancake so the syrup doesn't flow out, but you still have the superior flavor of the pancake?

  3. Nice post Evan! I agree with Ellie, I prefer waffles more, but both are great!

  4. This is an illustrative way to show which s superior. Great Post!


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