Monday, September 4, 2017

Todd and Manchee all alone

   Ben and Cilian act very odd and insist on sending Todd and Manchee as far away possible. Todd is really confused and doesn't even want to be stuck with his dumb dog. A lot of crazy things happen in a small amount of time. What is really odd is as soon as the author gives some detail on what is happening in the book, everything spirals out of control.

   One thing can be inferred however, something big and dangerous is headed Todd's way. So, Todd and Manchee head back into the swamp for a second time. They will begin searching for the whole in the noise. There has been much buildup to this point, so I know something big is coming. I'm not sure that Todd will even find the place without noise. However, I can feel something important is about to happen.


  1. I really feel like I know what going on. It really does seem odd for the author to do that!

  2. I like how you don't even announce the book. I like mysteries as well.


Strenghts and Weaknesses

   As a moderately experienced writer, I have come to find my strengths and weaknesses in writing. I have always been decent at getting my p...