Monday, April 30, 2018

Hits and Misses

     Every writer has their own personal preferences on the techniques and topics they want to write about. This year we had multiple opportunities to figure out what we liked most to write about. My "hit" would have to be he research project. The research project took a long time and was extremely challenging but was extremely beneficial to me. We were given an opportunity to write an arguable thesis about anything related to World History. I learned how to extract factual information from trustworthy sources and cite them properly. It was a huge learning experience.

     I could not come up with any piece of writing that we did that was unable to teach me something valuable about English and literature. Everything that ranged from easy to near impossible to write still taught me at least one important thing about writing. However, the personal narrative was the least helpful to me, and I consider it a miss because I have already written multiple pieces similar to it. Even though it was the least helpful, it still taught me much I did not already know.

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Strenghts and Weaknesses

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