Monday, March 5, 2018

Motives and Breaks

   It is extremely important to use time to get work done and be productive. Whenever you find yourself at school or work, you should work hard and purposely. However it would impossible to do this without two things, motives and breaks. The motives help you push through the work while the breaks give time to calm down after working hard.Whenever you find yourself exhausted and want to give up or sleep, just remember why you are doing something.

    There are many reasons why you are working so hard. Many people are fighting for their future, and others are fighting for the future of their children. However, you can’t just fight on forever without a proper break from it all. Breaks keep your brain fresh and keep you happy. Ideally, you should have something exciting planned once a weekend to look forward to and work hard to reach it.  And once your reach your weekend, enjoy yourself and prepare to begin working next weekend.


  1. This is very true! I agree that people should balance the toughness of their lives with some fun. Great post!

  2. I completely agree. I think though that everything is good in moderation. Too much motivation can lead you to push yourself too far and end up giving work of a lesser quality. As with motivation, too many breaks can lead to distractions that tear away the motivation that you once had.

  3. This is a great way to prove this point. I like how you gave detail and evidence why these things are needed.


Strenghts and Weaknesses

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